Starting Afresh

by Tarique

There’s something really inspiring to me about starting new. If its new adventures, new camera equipment, or possibilities. The feeling of starting fresh is just…refreshing? You know what I mean.  You’re starting over and its just up from here. You can take any direction you want. I love that. Anyway, I’ve had this website dormant for so long I didn’t remember how anything worked and I got frustrated trying to get myself back up to speed so I just trashed the entire thing and started over on this new look and feel. Hope you like it? It’s definitely going to change a few (many) times over the next couple months until i settle on something I feel is perfect. Spoiler: nothing ever is..

You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.
Albert Camus

I dont know where that weird quote came out from but I kinda liked it at the time so I left it.

There’s been so much of my inner self that I”ve neglected over the last year or so. Out of fear, out of past hurt and disappointment, and I dont’ want to make this a sappy first blog post back but I felt like you guys should know at least a little bit of why I kinda disappeared after being so active on my platforms. Truth is, I overexerted and overextended myself and ended up burning out. I was stuck in a funk for months feeling like…you know let’s not go back there. Let’s look forward. But I couldn’t come online and just make content and pretend I was pissing rainbows and hugging puppies so this time around I want to be as real and as transparent as possible with you guys.


I love photography and creating content around adventure and travel and I guess that’s what you’ve come to know me for. I want to do more of that, but better. More ambitious projects, greater production value. Everything.

if you’re reading this I want to thank you for sticking around and supporting me. All of your curious messages for new vlogs and content didn’t go unnoticed haha. I don’t know what to write next so I hope you subscribe and I love ya.